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Press and Media Enquiries for #CallMe

Press Media

#CallMe Featured on TV Show Countdown

Dr Phil Hammond
Countdown CallMe

#CallMe featured on Countdown by Dr Phil Hammond

Royal College of Anaesthetists

Dr Michael McCabe

I believe that this is probably the simplest, most respectful, patient centred innovation you will hear about to improve patient care.

The BMJ Awards

BMJ Awards

Winner of Digital Innovation Team of the Year 2021

#CallMe: addressing patients by their preferred name

Dr Michael McCabe
Association of Anaesthetics

For individuals who prefer to be known by a nickname, shortened name or other, the regular experience as a patient of being addressed by their first and formal name is an uncomfortable one. The disconnect between staff and patient increases when communication is further hindered by cognitive impairment, disability or language barriers.

Highly Commended

CallMe because names matter

British Journal of Nursing

Sam Foster
British Journal of Nursing

Sam Foster, Chief Nurse, Oxford University Hospitals, considers how best to start a movement to benefit the patient experience, such as the #CallMe movement, which encourages staff to use patients’ preferred names.


Dr Michael McCabe
BBC Sounds

Please share your #CallMe stories with us via email or online at twitter, instagram.