CallMe Because Names Matter
Every patient deserves to be addressed in the way they prefer every time and everywhere. Call Me Because Names Matter.

Call Me Fred
Only my mother called me Alfred, please call me Fred. Call Me Because Names Matter

Call Me Katie
Some of my notes and healthcare records have not been updated, please call me Katie.

Call Me Wren
I’m non binary I use they/them pronouns, I wanted everyone to call me by my username.

Call Me Benjamin
I dont like nicknames, or my name to be shortend, I prefer to be called by my full name.

Call Me Mrs Pitcher
You might think its old fashioned, but I prefer to be called by my full name as you dont know me.

Call Me Fiona
When i woke up after an operation, someone was calling me by my first name, I dont use that, I like to be called by my middle name.
#CallMe in a nutshell
#CallMe or Call Me Because Names Matter is a campaign to ensure that people are addressed by the name they prefer every time, everywhere in healthcare. Creating cultural awareness and making sure preferred terms of address are accessible to be used every time, everywhere in healthcare.
Prominence on digital systems, healthcare stickers and labels, ensures that preferred terms of address are recorded and easily assessable for interactions. It’s about providing the respect, dignity and kindness that patients, loved ones and healthcare providers deserve in times of need.
Because names matter

In Hospital 31% of Patients had an Actual preferred name versus their Formal first name
#CallMe effects staff ability to establish relationships with patients on various levels. Personalised care begins with getting names right to establish the relationship and respect that is needed to establish an equal relationship. From the initial interaction “Hello My Name Is… I see you like to be called….” Call Me Because Names Matter.
When directly asked 31% of patients prefer to be called by a different name.

#CallMe affects significant numbers of people at all ages

People Trust #CallMe

Former Chief Nursing Officer OUH
Just spending a few moments to connect with a patient/member of the public is so incredibly significant and it can really make them feel like they matter.
This truly is patient-centred care and can completely change a patient’s experience in a hospital/care setting.
#CallMe is such an important and powerful concept, and I am so proud to support #CallMe and its rollout.

“Trusting relationships and continuity of care are crucial to higher quality healthcare, and they start with calling people by their preferred name. Like all really good ideas, #CallMe is simple, easy to understand and easy to implement. In fact, there really is no excuse for not doing so, and it could make a significant difference to the patient experience.”

#CallMe – What a fantastic initiative. Calling a patient by their preferred name has a lasting effect. It makes them feel valued, important and conveys the message that you care. Im proud to support this programme and its roll out across all healthcare settings.

‘The first step in gaining trust and open communication in healthcare is showing we care about the individual. Using preferred names is a big part of this and getting it wrong getting it wrong shows an absence of respect and warmth. I wholly support #CallMe and the idea that we create a culture and systems to get this consistently right for everyone throughout healthcare.’

#CallMe gets to the heart of person-centred care. Treating people with dignity and respect starts with calling them by the name they prefer. It’s important to all of us in our daily lives and even more important when we’re relying upon others for care and support. For nurses, midwives and nursing associates, your professional code of conduct asks you to prioritise people. #CallMe helps you to do just that.”

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best, and this is absolutely the case with #CallMe. Being admitted to hospital is a stressful, often bewildering experience, made all the worse for the 30% of patients who get addressed using an unfamiliar name. I’d want to be called by the name I’m known by – wouldn’t you?

We so often get it wrong. Sometimes with devastating effects. We really should get it right – every time, everywhere in healthcare. Doesn’t very single patient deserves to be addressed correctly? #CallMe helps get it right. Just ask. Please #CallMe.

‘When we become patients we are robbed of so much more than our health. We all too often lose our dignity, our autonomy, our status, and our identity and the longer I practice medicine the more I appreciate how important these secondary losses can be. As healthcare workers we should treat those we look after with respect; as equals and fellow human beings. Taking the time to get their name right is a huge step in that direction, which is why I whole-heartedly support #CallMe.’
On behalf of the Research and Grants Committee of the Association of Anaesthetists.
We are pleased to inform you that your innovation #callme by me preferred name has been awarded highly commended for the 2022 Innovation in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Award, sponsored by Intersurgical and Fisher & Paykel.
‘I am writing to inform you that you have been selected for a National Advisor for LGBT Health award (2022) for your work on the ‘Call Me’ Project.
These awards recognise outstanding work by individuals and groups across the NHS and VCSE sector to improve the experience of LGBT+ patients and the LGBT+ workforce and shine a light on examples of best practice.’